Children's Hub

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Life Story Ideas-adoption inclusive


There is nothing more affirming than telling, feeling and talking about your life story in a safe space.  Please scroll down for life story ideas related to adoption and birth stories. Read the example book below and if your appetite is whetted, scroll right down for more thoughts and look at Pinterest below for  [...]

Tips for Inducing Sleep…


and hints for grown-ups hidden in here too!   Sweet slumber- a highway to inspiration and renewal...  Sleep is a much needed refreshment, a chance for the unconscious to try to work things out, a break from the day, a night time creation of images, stories and feelings. It is vital for body and [...]

Children’s Art


See the Sleep Section of the website as getting your children to draw their dreams [both bad and good] may be a good way to release tensions and celebrate their own self-generated imagery! A chatterbox origami might appeal to some children and the games associated with it involving others.  Make sure they illustrate [...]

Using Shakespeare to delve deeper…


This link allows a search for Shakespeare quotations under any emotional theme.  Press link here You could create a conversation with your child or your Reminiscence Group to reflect on what is meant by a word or quotation. I found these when I searched under Love: Hear my soul speak. Of the very instant that [...]

Therapeutic Stories


Therapeutic stories are stories that are designed to address a fear your child might be experiencing that could be causing problems, even if they are minor ones. The story needs to be sufficiently distant in its content to not look like a persuasion tactic. Try writing one! You might enjoy it and it might [...]

My Top Ten Books for Children


My personally biased Top Ten Classics for late primary school age that explore a life story from a child or animal’s perspective. Scroll to bottom of page for other choices.  This wonderful link will give you access to free audible books for all ages and with books in French, Italian and four other languages: [...]

Aesops Fables


Aesop was a slave in ancient Greece and a story teller.  His stories were not written down for 300 years and there were over 655 fables!  They were written two and half thousand years ago for those of any age.  They have become associated with children and moral instruction but are enjoyed particularly for [...]

Thinking about Children and Poetry


Children love poems especially short, quick ones that rhyme or make them laugh.  Limericks are good for humour so do go to this limerick site and this one  [press here ] for more about limericks.  Children’s memories for learning lines are often so much better than adults.  There is a satisfaction in learning and [...]