This link allows a search for Shakespeare quotations under any emotional theme. Press link here You could create a conversation with your child or your Reminiscence Group to reflect on what is meant by a word or quotation. I found these when I searched under Love: Hear my soul speak. Of the very instant that [...]
Poetry by children
LWDadmin2019-01-23T17:49:29+00:00Some poems I enjoy given to me by children I know
Thinking about Children and Poetry
LWDadmin2025-01-17T15:07:01+00:00Children love poems especially short, quick ones that rhyme or make them laugh. Limericks are good for humour so do go to this limerick site and this one [press here ] for more about limericks. Children’s memories for learning lines are often so much better than adults. There is a satisfaction in learning and [...]